John Lewis & Partners, the UK-based department store, released this early Christmas advert to highlight an issue close to their hearts so we can all be a force for positive change for a generation of young people growing up in care or who have experienced being in care.

We want every young person to feel valued and seen and have the same opportunity for a happier Christmas and a happier future.
John Lewis & Partners
There are 108,000 children and young people growing up in the UK’s care system, who don’t have the safety net of family to call on.
I feel like that is going to have an impact on so many young people who feel neglected and isolated this Christmas. Just seeing that representation that you are cared about is going to mean so much.
Rachel — Action for Children campaigner
Some of the UK’s most talented individuals come from difficult backgrounds, including a history of being in care. However, too often the potential of these children and young people is overlooked. They often don’t have the same opportunities as those who have family support.
I think it will make you stop and think and say ‘how can I help?’
Claire Pointon — Director of Customer, John Lewis
To find out more about what they’re doing and how you can help visit their Happier Futures website and learn more about their charity partners: Action for Children and Who Cares? Scotland.
It’s the things we do that mean the most. 🛹