
The Most Astounding Fact

Max Schlickenmeyer has put together a beautiful and inspiring video mashup that reminds us that we are all interconnected.

In 2008 Astrophysicist Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson was asked by TIME magazine a series of ten reader-submitted questions. One of the questions was “What is the most astounding fact you can share with us about the Universe?”

So that when I look up at the night sky and I know that yes we are part of this universe, we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both of those facts is that the Universe is in us.

Dr. Neil DeGrasse Tyson

As Carl Sagan said, “We’re made of star stuff“.


The Nicest Place on the Internet

Need a hug? Well The Nicest Place on the Internet has you covered. Creators Lauren Perlow and Jeff Lam came up with the idea after having “one of those days” at work. They took to the streets of San Francisco one weekend with a camera and a tripod and filmed the first batch of videos.

What we craved was something honest and good, unhappiness-offsetting, fail-proof and grin-inducing.

Lauren Perlow & Jeff Lam, co-creators

Since launching last November they’ve received hug video submissions from around the world from places like Argentina, the Baltic Sea, Moscow, Brazil and Jakarta. And their videos have now received over 5 million views.

The site even has a feature that lets you create your own personalized “love mixtape” to send to loved ones by simply entering a list of YouTube video IDs you want to include.

Magical, simply magical.

via Grace Kim (@grace_k)


The Kindness School

The latest story from the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation’s “Everyday People, Everyday Kindness” Campaign is about the Puget Sound Community School where the focus is not only on academics but on the “full range of human development”, with integrity, character and kindness at its foundation.

Andy Smallman inspires his students to practice kindness.

Students are here because they want to be here. They’re doing what they want to do because we let them do what they want to do. And interestingly enough when you put kids in that environment what they want to do is develop themselves and grow.

Andy Smallman, PSCS Founder & School Director

With such a positive, nurturing and loving educational environment no wonder the students say they “enjoy waking up and going to school”!

This video was produced by San Francisco based Storytellers for Good, “a team of passionate journalists and photographers who seek to use their skills to inspire optimism and change.”